Fall Family Fun...and Zombies! | NJ Halloween

Every year, around late August/early September, there is something in the air that makes saying "goodbye" to summer a little easier.  For many, it is Pumpkin Spice!  For others, it is the decrease in shore traffic that allows the locals to truly enjoy the beaches, or the chill that accompanies the night as it gets deeper into October that we call "sweater weather", or the abundance of activities - both family friendly & super spooky - that kick off the "Holidays" starting with Halloween.  But the truly stunning occurrence that we experience is the transformation from healthy, green leaves to the radiant hues that keep us in awe throughout Autumn & gazing upon every vibrant tree we pass!

Enter: Matt, Kristen & Juney.  They knew they wanted to do a family session for a while but could not figure out the exact details or time of year.  When I had talked to Kristen on the phone and she told me the idea that she came up with, I was "Thrilled"!  Being a huge fan of The Walking Dead and all things zombie, I couldn't wait to bring this shoot to life - or back to life, should I say?! ;)  

Set a Goal & Crush It | Stefanie's Fitness Achievement

Stefanie, mom of 2 young daughters, wanted to show her girls what being a strong woman was all about.  She wanted to show them that they can achieve any goal or dream that they put their heart & hard work to.  On September 17th, after 6 months of training in the gym and eating healthy foods, Stef competed in her first Bikini Competition as part of the ANBF Masters Nationals.  She placed 1st in Novice, 2nd in Debut, and 4th overall, all while her girls cheered her on from the audience!  She proved that women can be strong, fit & beautiful! 

This was so much more than a fitness competition. This whole journey was about accomplishing something after going through a lot. It was to show my daughters how to be a strong woman. That no matter who or what tries to knock you down you never fall. You get right back up and do the best you can with a new day. They give me strength I never thought I could have.

After that, she was hooked. Stefanie will be competing again mid-October and we know she is going to rock that stage! Good Luck, but with heart like that, you don't need luck!

Christa Elias | NJ Fitness Competitor & Trainer

A typical morning in the life of Personal Trainer and NJ Fitness Competitor Christa Elias:  Wake up, throw on clothes & get to the gym to do 40 minutes of fasted cardio.  Eat breakfast at the gym before beginning training sessions for the day and then lift weights after the clients.  Eating every 2-3 hours, strategically hitting every macronutrient amount and drinking a gallon of water a day.  

Preparing for a competition is seriously tough work and only the strong willed, determined & disciplined can do it.  Oh, but look at how it pays off!  This session was the day after Christa placed 1st at the NPC NJ State Championships for Fitness!  This bombshell works hard and gives hard work outs, because she knows what bodies are capable of.  Congratulations Christa - you totally deserved that win!  Proud of you girl!

To check out her fitness programs, personal training, and life coaching company, head on over to www.lifewalkercoaching.com.

New Lifestyle, New You | Lindsey's Fitness Transformation

Meet Lindsey - happy & healthy as ever!   A few years ago, unhappy at the time with her state of overall health, she made a decision to live a healthier lifestyle.  She implemented better nutrition with her family by switching to a more clean eating, whole diet & began exercising regularly.  Her journey was a long one, but she is happier for it.  She recently completed her first ever Spartan Race (8+ miles long with 25+ obstacles) and finished before her husband which she loves to brag about ;)  She has transformed herself physically & mentally, and even just won a Fitness Weight Loss Challenge!  

This session was to showcase her hard work and celebrate the amazing woman she is, inside & out.  Way to go Lindsey!  Fit, healthy & HAPPY looks good on you <3 

In The Blink of an Eye | The Art of Capturing the "Now"

Our Earth rotates at a speed of 1,037 mph.  It takes 24 hours to complete and every day we get the pleasure of being witness to the sun rise and set.  I'm sure you've watched this beautiful occurrence once or twice, so think back to the last time that you did.  Do you remember what it looked like?  The colors that were painted in the sky?  You watch as night fades into day and before you know it, it is daylight.  Or the way that the colors burst as the sun is setting and then quickly dissipates as the grey hues of dusk spill into the night.  These natural artworks change by the second and can look completely different from minute to minute.  

This is why I love photography.  It gives you a chance to capture breathtaking scenes before they disappear.  Memories while people are still alive.  Landscapes before & after, or over the years as places develop.  Everything can change in the blink of an eye, and photography gives us a chance to hold onto history.   

These photos were taken on my way home from a different photoshoot and I just happen to be at the right place as it hit its peak.  It was a nice Autumn night and I stopped to snap these as I was driving by a lake.  They are 6 minutes apart, and completely raw images because there is no amount of editing that I can do that would make these already stunning photos any better.  It would be an insult to our gorgeous planet.   


 "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller