Rome Wasn't Built in a Day | The 5 Year Fitness Road to Warrior

This winter marks 5 years since Jimi joined the gym and began going consistently every day. The progress is slow when you're building, but becomes addicting & motivating when you start seeing results.  He envisioned small tweaks to his physique and with hard work, they manifested!  

He got there naturally by lifting every day, following an active & healthy lifestyle, and eating in moderation.  Both friends and fellow gym go-ers have turned to him for advice, strategies, questions on form, and inspiration (myself included!)

Once he decided to document his amazing progress, he really got to grinding & dedicating with a strict meal plan and workout regimen (provided by trainer Christa).  Here are the results of his 5 years - full Spartan!

(Girlfriend edit : Oh my, stud muffin! ;)  As his workout partner for the last year and half, it's easy to see how he keeps me motivated too!)

Umm...Magic Mike?   Sorry ladies, he's taken! ;)

Fall Family Fun...and Zombies! | NJ Halloween

Every year, around late August/early September, there is something in the air that makes saying "goodbye" to summer a little easier.  For many, it is Pumpkin Spice!  For others, it is the decrease in shore traffic that allows the locals to truly enjoy the beaches, or the chill that accompanies the night as it gets deeper into October that we call "sweater weather", or the abundance of activities - both family friendly & super spooky - that kick off the "Holidays" starting with Halloween.  But the truly stunning occurrence that we experience is the transformation from healthy, green leaves to the radiant hues that keep us in awe throughout Autumn & gazing upon every vibrant tree we pass!

Enter: Matt, Kristen & Juney.  They knew they wanted to do a family session for a while but could not figure out the exact details or time of year.  When I had talked to Kristen on the phone and she told me the idea that she came up with, I was "Thrilled"!  Being a huge fan of The Walking Dead and all things zombie, I couldn't wait to bring this shoot to life - or back to life, should I say?! ;)  

New Lifestyle, New You | Lindsey's Fitness Transformation

Meet Lindsey - happy & healthy as ever!   A few years ago, unhappy at the time with her state of overall health, she made a decision to live a healthier lifestyle.  She implemented better nutrition with her family by switching to a more clean eating, whole diet & began exercising regularly.  Her journey was a long one, but she is happier for it.  She recently completed her first ever Spartan Race (8+ miles long with 25+ obstacles) and finished before her husband which she loves to brag about ;)  She has transformed herself physically & mentally, and even just won a Fitness Weight Loss Challenge!  

This session was to showcase her hard work and celebrate the amazing woman she is, inside & out.  Way to go Lindsey!  Fit, healthy & HAPPY looks good on you <3